Domain Name

The domain name tells you the type of organization sponsoring a page. It is a three-letter code that is part of the URL and preceded by a "dot." Here are the most common domains.

.e d u
educational institution
Even though a page comes from an educational institution, it does not mean the institution endorses the views published by students or faculty members.
.c o m commercial entity
Companies advertise, sell products, and publish annual reports and other company information on the
Web. Many online newspapers or journals also have .com names.
.g o v government
Federal and state government agencies use the Web to publish legislation, census information, weather data, tax forms and many other documents.
.o r g non-profit organization
Nonprofit organizations use the Web to promote their causes. These pages are good
sources to use when comparing different sides of an issue.
.n e t used for internet service providers

Recently, the division between these top-level domains became blurred. Sometimes non-profit organizations and educational institutions are now found under .com or .net. This makes it more difficult to determine the organization that is publishing the page.

The number of top-level domains is increasing. New domain names include .museum, .info, and .biz. The origin of some international sites can be determined by country codes found in the URL.
